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Unheimlich Perfekte Freunde

This 2019 family-family comedy features a magic mirror and a 4th grade student who decides to use it. In true children’s film fashion, most of… Read More »Unheimlich Perfekte Freunde


This Matthias Schweighöfer film follows three young men as they move their lives from Moscow to Berlin. Filmed in 2012, it takes place just after… Read More »Russendisko


This 2014 historical drama centers around the events that led to WWI. It is an Austrian film and I have to be honest – I… Read More »Sarajevo


This 2016 short film is currently available on Amazon Prime. It features Heike Makatsch, who we know from films such as Hui Buh, Tom Sawyer,… Read More »Speechless


This audio-film uses images from Wilhelm Busch’s Struwwelpeter exclusively. It goes through each short story with a musical clip and a collage of images from… Read More »Struwwelpeter

Mahlzeit DDR

This 2003 documentary discusses the common problems of food shortages during the DDR era. It includes footage of propaganda films and ads from East Germany.… Read More »Mahlzeit DDR


This 2000 drama centers around a partially paralyzed* teenager who transfers to a boarding school. We follow him as he learns how to settle in… Read More »Crazy


This 2015 comedy is satire, showing an African-German who loses his memory and begins being used by Neo-Nazis. Director Dietrich Brüggemann has also directed YouTube… Read More »Heil