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This Matthias Schweighöfer film follows three young men as they move their lives from Moscow to Berlin. Filmed in 2012, it takes place just after… Read More »Russendisko

Bis Gleich

This 2014 short film (also available on Amazon), marketed as a Drama-Romance, shows us a likely familiar story – the views of the neighborhood and… Read More »Bis Gleich

Berlin ‘48

This documentary shows Germany in the post-war era, especially focusing on the Berlin Airlift. This particular documentary was originally in English and the titles and… Read More »Berlin ‘48

Linie 1

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This musical is very Berlin! It was released in 1988 and does a great job showing the different pros and cons of living in the… Read More »Linie 1


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This 1999 film focuses on life at the East-West Berlin border, specifically the teen lives of the times. As such, it has long since been… Read More »Sonnenallee

Liebe Mauer

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Released in 2009, this movie is set in 1989 along the East/West Berlin border. We meet Franzi as she moves into an apartment right next… Read More »Liebe Mauer