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German film

Lissi und der wilde Kaiser

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This 2007 animated film is an adaptation of skits originally found in Bully Parade years earlier.  It is a parody of Sissi stories for those… Read More »Lissi und der wilde Kaiser


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Known as HipHop Express in the American market, this 2010 film is basically a mixture of Step Up and 8 Mile, but in a PG… Read More »Homies


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Another Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht project with his dad playing his dad, this 2008 film follows a military kid who has to move in with his… Read More »Sommer


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At 92 minutes long, this 1991 film is labeled as a short film, which is quite interesting considering most movies meant for children are around… Read More »Hilfe


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This 1997 film is based on the true story of the musical group The Comedian Harmonists, who were very popular in the years before WWII.… Read More »Harmonists


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This 2009 film is an interesting suspense/mystery.  We hear the difference in the ways of speech between generations, which is in itself an intriguing study.… Read More »Tannöd

Im Juli

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Released in 2000, Im Juli is a romantic comedy. Moritz Bleibtreu plays a student teacher named Daniel.  Single and without much luck in love in… Read More »Im Juli