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German culture

Das Jahr der ersten Küsse

This 2002 film is marketed as a drama comedy. There are pieces in the rom-com category, but in true German film nature, the drama pulls… Read More »Das Jahr der ersten Küsse


This Matthias Schweighöfer film follows three young men as they move their lives from Moscow to Berlin. Filmed in 2012, it takes place just after… Read More »Russendisko

Mahlzeit DDR

This 2003 documentary discusses the common problems of food shortages during the DDR era. It includes footage of propaganda films and ads from East Germany.… Read More »Mahlzeit DDR


This 2000 comedy with Daniel Brühl centers around the last few weeks of school before the Abitur. Besides Brühl, several other well-known faces show their… Read More »Schule

Bis Gleich

This 2014 short film (also available on Amazon), marketed as a Drama-Romance, shows us a likely familiar story – the views of the neighborhood and… Read More »Bis Gleich


This 2000 drama centers around a partially paralyzed* teenager who transfers to a boarding school. We follow him as he learns how to settle in… Read More »Crazy

Coming In

This 1997 film with Franka Potente is the story of a gay man who begins questioning his sexuality. Stefan Wink plays the Assistent/partner Lorenz. His… Read More »Coming In


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This 1997 film is based on the true story of the musical group The Comedian Harmonists, who were very popular in the years before WWII.… Read More »Harmonists

Liebe Mauer

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Released in 2009, this movie is set in 1989 along the East/West Berlin border. We meet Franzi as she moves into an apartment right next… Read More »Liebe Mauer