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Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer

This post is specially covering the four-episode Augsburger Puppenkiste collection from 1977 and not the film remake of 2018. This film is recommended for ages 3+ and does lean young. That being said, the language… Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer

Das Wunder von Bern

This 2003 Sönke Wortmann and Rochus Hahn film is already a staple in many German classrooms. Teachers cite the slow pace and focus on soccer and family as top reasons to show this in class.… Das Wunder von Bern

Frau im Mond

This 1929 Fritz Lang film, written by his then-wife Thea von Harbou, was banned by the Nazis in 1937 due to a prop – the film shows in detail the first working rocket, and the… Frau im Mond

Die wilden Kerle 4

This is the fourth film of a series of six. The post for the first film can be found Here. Unfortunately I haven’t gotten my hands on the rest of the films yet – keep… Die wilden Kerle 4

Die wilden Hühner

This post will cover the first film, released in 2006. There is a post for the final film at Die wilden Hühner und das Leben. Unfortunately I haven’t gotten my hands on the middle film,… Die wilden Hühner

Das kleine Gespenst

Taken from Otfried Ostpreußler’s children’s book, this 2013 film stars a little ghost who awakes at night to have his adventures. Caspar fans should particularly enjoy this film! Potentially the most famous of the cast… Das kleine Gespenst

Bibi Blocksberg

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This 2002 movie is a family-friendly film about growing up a witch.  Bibi’s mother is a witch, but her father isn’t. One might be reminded of Bewitched, mixed with a little Sabrina the Teenage Witch.… Bibi Blocksberg