Released in 2010, this movie is a parody of Ocean’s Eleven, filled with famous German comedians, including Otto Waalkes and Sky du Mont. This film is enjoyable whether or not you have seen Ocean’s Eleven. There is both physical and language humour, so one may find the comedy regardless of level of German.
Otto’s Eleven centers around two parties attempting to retrieve artwork through any means necessary. Some of the methods chosen to attempt are purely for our amusement.
My students enjoy Otto Waalkes projects. Of course the most popular choice to see in class is 7 Zwerge: Männer allein im Wald.
Sky du Mont is another class favourite. He’s often the antagonist in comedies, such as Traumschiff Surprise and Schuh des Manitu. Interestingly, he played a bit role (uncredited) in the 1981 film Das Boot.
Most of the actors in this film are the same group who brought us Bullyparade and all the spinoffs thereof, and students love them!