This 2008 romantic comedy follows the trip home for two very different men. It’s a great lesson in attitude! This post covers both Teil 1 and Teil 2. I wouldn’t recommend one without the other, as the story only becomes a real heartwarming Christmas story in the last half of Teil 2, but it wouldn’t make sense without Teil 1.
There are many cultural pieces in this film that would be great learning moments, especially in comparing different social classes and their expectations and standards.
Christoph Maria Herbst, Armin Rohde, and Michael Lott all join the cast here. Alongside Herbst in the main roles is Bastian Pastewka. He does a lot of work with children’s shows and comedy series, but can also be found in Jerry Cotton and Männerherzen.
45 minutes into Teil 2, one of the man showers and he is seen through the glass door, which may be more clear on a larger screen. There are some sex jokes about an hour and 24 minutes in, while the men are outside, immediately followed by some gay slurs, subtitled in German.