Using the same cast and characters as the show of the same name, this 2012 film is not a continuation of the story, but rather a reinventing of it. It begins as sort of a prequel, but as one continues through the plot, it quickly becomes clear that the two stories are not compatible as one.
Perhaps the student favorite in this film is actor Elyas M’Barek. He’s been in some great films, including Die Welle, the Fack ju Göhte series, and Zwerohrküken. Born in Germany, he’s of Austrian and Tunisian descent, which is why he ends up playing Turkish characters as often as he does.
This film shows the cultural differences and clashes between German and Turkish families very well, and also includes the male versus female roles in those cultures. That being said, like the TV series, it has moments of inappropriate behavior as well as a scene with nudity which would make it difficult to show in many classroom settings. While those moments can be edited or skipped, they change how the characters respond to each other, which may be confusing without the scenes.