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Enkel für Anfänger

This 2020 comedy centers itself around intergenerational relationships and the needs of retired individuals compared to those of younger generations. There is a sequel (Enkel für Fortgeschrittene), but this post focuses solely on the first.… Enkel für Anfänger

Die Drei !!!

This 2019 family-appropriate adventure film was popular enough to get a TV series, which started in 2023. Jürgen Vogel is a familiar face here (assuming you can recognize him with hair!). You may also recognize… Die Drei !!!

Pünktchen und Anton

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This 1999 version of Erich Kästner’s novel centers around a young boy and girl who are best friends with completely different home lives. Anton’s situation (single mother who is sick and unable to work) may… Pünktchen und Anton