This 2004 film is a thriller about a woman (Anna) who is an assassin who would like to retire. She must complete one last hit before her boss will allow her to leave.
Stipe Erceg, who we know from the Edukators among other films, is one of the main male characters in this film. At the risk of spoilers… he’s a target.
Udo Schenk is another main character, Anna’s boss Lewin. He has been acting steadily since 1974 and has played Hitler in multiple productions.
Anna is played by Lea Mornar. Like Stipe Erceg, she was born in the former Yugoslavia. She’s been in several films since 1998, when she was in Liebe deine Nächste! She appears to have slowed down in recent years.
There are are sex scenes and of course, quite a bit of violence. This film would almost certainly be rated R by American standards.