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This Werner Herzog film, released in 1977 follows an alcoholic man emigrating to Wisconsin to begin a new life.

The main character is played by Bruno S., who himself had a rough life. His mother was a prostitute who never wanted him, and beat him to the point of temporary deafness. This was during the Nazi rule, so he also became subject of some of their medical experiments on disabled children. Probably because he was very difficult to work with (which was probably due to his difficult childhood), he didn’t get much work in film, but Herzog was so moved by his work in Bruno der Schwarze that he decided to work with him in Jeder für sich und Gott gegen alle.

Clemens Scheitz was also only in a few films, and mostly working with Herzog. Jeder für sich und Gott gegen alle, Herz aus Glas, and Herzog’s version of Nosferatu were among his other films.

I would not suggest that this film offers a fair comparison of cultures, though some are some scenes in that direction. It is decently entertaining at times, however.

There are adult themes in this film, such as prostitution and domestic violence.