Released in 2009, Soul Kitchen is a drama-comedy featuring Moritz Bleibtreu. It is also one of the movies Monica Bleibtreu (his mother) was in that was released after her death.
Soul Kitchen has many ties to the Doors and Jim Morrison, from the name of the film (a Doors song) to the look of the owner of Soul Kitchen, the restaurant.
There are some teachable moments here, including Hartz IV and the attitudes of the regular customers when the regular menu is changed (local foods for local people). It does have some educational value.
The first bit that pushes this movie to R level is easy to skip/edit, but there is a much longer scene that would have to be fully edited out in order to push back down below an R level. There are drug-induced sexual scenes. I wouldn’t show this in my high school courses, but might go so far as to recommend it for university level.