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This 2000 comedy with Daniel Brühl centers around the last few weeks of school before the Abitur.

Besides Brühl, several other well-known faces show their younger versions here. Denis Moschitto, Axel Stein, Niels-Bruno Schmidt (of Baader-Meinhof Komplex), Mina Tander (Buddy), Christian Näthe (Fack ju Göhte), and Markus Knüfken (Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door) to name a few.

There are conversations about sex throughout this film and mild drug use is talked about occasionally. There is a sex scene (no nudity, but a party scene) around one hour, 14 minutes in. This is also discussed by lookers-on. Another sex scene starts a few minutes later, but she changes her mind. There is some sexual aggression that follows.