This 2020 comedy film got its start as short YouTube clips. The short, someone disconnected scenes show this history, but it also makes it perfect to show as clips for the classroom. There is both physical and linguistic humor involved. One example is as follows:
“Ich hatte einen Banküberfall.”
“Was?! Ein Banküberfall?!”
“Nein, ich hatte einen Überfall auf dem Bank.”
Another example of the level of humor is a young person (using a yellow phone booth!) making a prank phone call to the bartender.
“Herr Ober, es gibt einen H in meiner Suppe.”
“Natürlich, das ist Buchstabensuppe.”
“Ich will keinen H in Suppe.”
Do your students have a weird fascination with Chuck Norris? Because there’s even a Chuck Norris scene here…
Most dialogue is in a lighter version of dialect. It is relatively understandable at all times, and advanced students will likely catch on to the vast majority.
This film is rated 12 and up and has some sexual humor (the only instance of it is 15 minutes in). It would likely be PG-13, were it to be rated in the US.