This 2007 Christmas comedy centers around a “patchwork” family, who all comes together to celebrate Christmas.
Alongside Martina Gedeck and Heino Ferch, many other familiar faces show up in this film. Jazmin Tabatabai, whom we know from Fremde Haut, Bandits, and other films, is one of the current significant others of an ex-husband. Meret Becker is another one of the significant others. We may recognize her from Kokowääh, Munich, Comedian Harmonists, and many other famous films.
As Sara is known to have slept with almost all of the men visiting for Christmas, one might imagine that sex is a huge topic of conversation throughout the film. Not only that, but the film begins with a sex scene (no nudity is visible, though it is loud, which is a topic of conversation afterwards), and there is male nudity in the sauna only 15 minutes into the film, which continues outside and is a focus of neighborhood conversation. This lasts for over five minutes.