This 2011 film is a dark comedy war film, starring Moritz Bleibtreu and Georg Friedrich. It wasn’t released in the US until 2013. In this film, a Jewish man switches places with his Nazi best friend in order to survive. Other soldiers try to figure out who is who throughout the film, and the friends turn against each other.
Georg Friedrich is an Austrian actor. He is best known for his role in the Piano Teacher (a film that was forced upon me during my studies and I hope to never have to see again, though may end up eventually doing so in order to write a post about it), though it seems he had one of the smaller roles in the film. He uses some dialect in Mein bester Feind, which keeps the communication interesting.
A great war film that brings a humanity – both the good parts and the bad – into the plot. I didn’t notice anything questionable in this film – it seems it would be rated PG-13 if it were to be rated in the US.