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This 2012 WWII film focuses on the survival of children and the struggles they must go through to make it happen. The truths of the war are slowly becoming clear to them as they travel.

One of the children is played by Nele Trebs, who has recently been seen in Dark as Katharina Nielsen.

Another actor may appear quite familiar. Philip Wiegratz, who got his start in the Johnny Depp version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, plays Helmut. He can also be seen in Die wilden Hühner and Rubinrot, though it does appear that he has since left the acting career.

While this film does not appear to be based on a true story, it does a good job of showing a side of war that is often ignored – the children left behind. In an upper-level classroom (such as university), this may lead to a deep discussion.

This film is not rated in the U.S., but does include a bit of nudity, some sexual content, and several violent or intense scenes. These scenes are well described in IMDB.