This 1997 Til Schweiger film is billed as a criminal comedy, but could just as easily be labeled a drama-comedy. It centers around two terminally ill men and the choices they make before they die.
Even though Moritz Bleibtreu plays the important role of a gangster named Abdul, he’s not among the top-billed cast. He had been acting since the early 1980s and, as the son of two actors, he already had an “in” in the business, but it wasn’t until after this film that he started being a real headliner.
Besides Schweiger, Bleibtreu, and a small role for Christiana Paul, you may also recognize Rutger Hauer, who sadly died very recently (July 2019). Some of his big-name roles have been in True Blood, Blade Runner, and Sin City.
There are some sex jokes throughout the film, and of course several illegal activities, mostly including violence. There is some bondage seen at 45 minutes in, without nudity. Nudity begins about an hour and 11 minutes in, when the men arrive in a brothel. This goes for a few minutes.