This 2007 comedy features Franz Dinda, Florian Lukas, and Axel Stein in a series of unfortunate events that brings a young high school graduate into the military.
Franz Dinda is our main character. He’s also been in Berlin ‘36, Jenseits der Mauer, Ludwig II., Brecht, and very recently Matze, Kebab und Sauerkraut.
Carsten Norgaard also plays a role in this film. Born in Denmark, he’s acted in Danish, German, and American shows and films (and often finds himself playing German characters in the American roles). His American roles range from The Man in the High Castle to D2: The Mighty Ducks to CSI and his German roles also include Ausgerechnet Afrika.
This film shows rear nudity and PG-13 level sexuality in the first few minutes. There are other moments of similar situations throughout the film as well. There are also instances of excessive drinking. There’s nothing particularly educational about this film. The closest it gets to educational is the rendition of Tränen lügen nicht at the end of the film, but it was ruined by the running “joke” of calling emotional moments “ein schwuler Moment.”