This 1961 U.S. film covers the trials of the war crimes of WWII. This film is originally in English. The German dubbing is – shall we say tolerable, especially given the release year.
Featuring Spencer Tracy, Judy Garland, Marlene Dietrich, and even William Shatner, this film keeps the drama of the history fresh in our minds. I am partial to WWII films of this era, as it means that the importance of not letting these memories fade was understood by movie makers and actors alike.
This film is not rated with MPAA but does have a TV-14 rating (a rating given at some point after 1996, when the guidelines first rolled out). That being said, there is a brief image of a nude male corpse, which may be inappropriate for some viewers. (In other words, one shouldn’t watch this film with anyone who is not ready to see images of the Holocaust.)