This 2016 thriller (available on Amazon Prime in its original German!) centers around the story of the Whitechapel murders.
Sonja Gerhardt, whom we know from Sommer and die wilden Hühner, plays our main character, Anna Kosminski. This role earned her recognition at a few levels!
Born in Germany, Falk Hentschel is known worldwide as a dancer as well as an actor. Most of his work is in American TV.
Sabin Tambrea, whom we know from Ludwig II., also joins us here. He’s also recently been in Berlin Station.
Russian-born Vladimir Burlakov plays Jakob Kosminski, Anna’s brother. Burlakov got his start in 2010 in German film and television. Among the most popular roles may be Deutschland 83 and Deutschland 86.
There are some scenes implying sex with prostitutes (as the true story of Jack the Ripper), but without nudity. Brief scenes may be skipped as appropriate. There are some scenes with gore, as one may imagine from a Jack the Ripper story.