This 2010 film takes place shortly after reunification, with a short introduction in the DDR past. We follow two young men from East Germany who decide to fly to America with their new-found freedom. They struggle with money and with language, as well as a culture who thinks all Germans are Nazis and Communists are just as bad.
Matthias Schweighöfer is one of our main characters. His mother and his father, also famous and successful actors, also appear in this movie… as his mother and father. They seem to act in movies together relatively regularly.
The two seek shelter in a movie theater, which turns out to be an X rated theater. While nothing is seen, the audio is clear. This scene can be easily edited out or skipped – it follows one of the men finding postcards from his friend’s father. There are probably enough “f” words (and trying to understand them by translating them) that this movie may be rated R in America if it were to be rated. There is, however, no nudity and the sexual scenes stay around PG-13.
Overall a nice movie – romantic comedy mixed with some history and cultural perspectives.