Known in the U.S. as Unveiled, this 2005 film shows the difficult lives of those seeking asylum. The main character, Fariba, is seeking asylum due to her persecution in her home country of Iran – she was in a lesbian relationship there.
Fariba is played by Jasmin Tabatabai, who was born in Iran to an Iranian father and German mother and emigrated to Germany at 12 years old. She is one of my favourite actresses – she plays a special kind of roughness that transfers into many roles well. She was in Bandits, Fack ju Göhte, Der Baader Meinhof Komplex, and Meine schöne Bescherung among many other films and TV series.
This film has some important topics in today’s world as well. Chief among them are the political struggles faced by the LGBTQ+ community in many countries around the world, especially in the Middle East.
There is brief male nudity in the showers about 32 minutes in. Close to an hour in, they are in a strip club. While nothing is visible, this scene may be inappropriate for some students. An hour and 24 minutes in, there is a sex scene. It begins slowly, so could be easy to skip or edit before anything inappropriate is visible.