This 2007 film with Moritz Bleibtreu centers around a TV manager who is frustrated due to the bad shows he is forced to show. We see some interesting dreams this causes him to have as he attempts to avoid these feelings of frustration.
Alongside Moritz Bleibtreu, we see Milan Peschel again, whom we’ve recently seen in Der Nanny. Our students may also recognise him from Mark Forster Sowieso music video. Another famous film of his was Jud Süß – Film ohne Gewissen.
There are some interesting talking points made in the film, including social anxieties, the politics of the TV business, or even economic motivations in ethical decisions. There are definitely slow moments and moments that are far from educationally beneficial, so I would recommend this film in clip form.
There is alcohol abuse and drug use from the beginning of them film. There are a couple sex scenes that takes place during channel flipping about 32 minutes in that could be skipped relatively easily. Another TV-related scene of nudity happens at one hour and 13 minutes.