This 2008 film is based on the life of Austrian Falco (AKA Johann Hölzel). The film begins in English, in the Dominican Republic, where Falco lost his life. We then see little Hansi as a child. As the movie continues, we have the opportunity to hear Austrian accents (not so much in full dialect, but the accent is special in itself).
Falco is played by Manuel Rubey, who actually was meant to have a different role in the movie, but the actor set to play Falco dropped out days before filming was to begin. Manuel Rubey has sort of of Johnny Depp quality, and overall plays the part very well. This was one of his first films.
There are references to drugs throughout the movie. This is important to the story because of how Falco died. For those unaware: he died in a car accident while under the influence of alcohol and cocaine. Unfortunately the nudity would be difficult to edit out in its entirety, as some of the scenes are very quick and happen with little warning.
The film ends not with his death, but with notes of where Falco’s family is today and what they are doing with their lives, which reminds the viewers that one’s death is not the end of their impact – both positive and negative.