Released in 1990, this film is a story of WWII, based on the book of the same title, which is a true story. Solomon Perel plays himself in the present day pieces. It’s the story of a Jewish boy whose family is killed during the war. In fact, they are killed when he is about to have his bar mitzvah. He must survive on his own in various ways, including pretending he’s German. He’s nearly found out in a few different places, but luck is on his side as he goes from side to side in an attempt to survive.
This is one of the best WWII films I have scene, especially in the category of true stories. The miraculous escapes, the comparison of cultures, and the insight into history make this film incredibly educational.
The most graphic scene of nudity takes place when Solomon is trying to hide the fact that he has been circumcised (which would be a sign that he’s Jewish). He pins himself in one scene, it’s infected in another. Although this could be edited out, it may be difficult and would take some very teachable moments away from the movie. It is rated R in the U.S. due to the nudity as well as some sexual situations.