This 2016 Docu-Drama tells the story of two brothers, Adi and Rudi Dassler, whose brotherly relationship deteriorated in such a way that resulted in the formation of two popular athletic shoe companies.
Adi is played by Ken Duken, who plays a wide variety of characters in TV and film, including Connie und Co., Frau Müller muss weg, Coming In (2014), Zwei Leben, and smaller roles dating back to 1998.
Rudi is played by Torben Liebrecht, who has mostly been in smaller roles and shows, but can also be found in Ich, Ringo, und das Tor zur Welt and Jud Süß – ein Film als Verbrechen?
Additionally, we see Christoph Buchholz and Florian Bartolomäi. Most of the supporting actors seem to be more successful in TV.
This film ties in the historical context (especially with WWII) and the Olympics) as well as the strain of family and other relationships. There’s great vocabulary for business German as well. Extra-marital affairs are implied and accusations are made, but nothing is explicitly shown. This film is not rated in the US, but is rated 6 in Germany.