This post will cover the first film, released in 2006. There is a post for the final film at Die wilden Hühner und das Leben. Unfortunately I haven’t gotten my hands on the middle film, Die wilden Hühner und die Liebe yet – stay tuned for a post in the future!
This film follows the first book of the series well – we get to know the girls and how much they care for the chickens. While much of their lives centers around pre-teen needs and issues, many talking points are shown that are relatable for teenage audiences as well, such as relationship issues for themselves as well as their parents.
For those who haven’t done much with Cornelia Funke books yet, I would recommend looking into her line! She has books beginning at a young children’s reader going through young adult, so students can “grow up” into her more difficult work. While the Inkheart series might be the most well known, my personal favourite is the Reckless series.