This 2017 historical drama focuses on the Jews still living in Germany in 1943, when Goebbels declared German “Jew-free.” This is based on 4 true stories, and the young people who survived this time were interviewed as part of this film. Clips are tied in with the re-enactments.
Max Mauff is our headlining actor, playing Cioma Schönhaus (who is interviewed). Mauff is a young actor whose face we may recognize from a wide variety of roles, including Die Welle, Sense8, Victoria, Männerherzen, and The Reader.
Ruby O. Fee, who we recently saw in Bibi and Tina, is also here as one of the four young people – Ruth Arndt (who is interviewed).
Florian Lukas makes an appearance as well. We’ve seen him in Good Bye Lenin and FC Venus, and has since been in Das schweigende Klassenzimmer.
There is a significant educational value to this film, especially as a historical drama with biographical pieces. Germany during WWII as the “other” is the biggest topic.
The combination of archive footage, interviews with the survivors, and reenactments makes this film relatable and very educational. I would recommend it at all levels dealing with Germany’s past.