Based on Operation Bernhard, this 2007 war film with August Diehl and Karl Markovichs is the story of a Jewish man whose skills in counterfeiting become well known among the Nazis.
This film shows various attitudes of the Germans towards these “skilled” Jews and how they differ from the rest of the camp. It shows the resulting Jewish attitudes as it is discovered how they’ve been living in this time. There is much that can be taught using this film!
This film is rated R in the U.S. due to language and sexuality/nudity. The first clip of light nudity is about 10 minutes into the film, but there is full frontal male nudity at 34 minutes in as well. Most of the sexuality is pretty light (more along the PG-13 level in 2019 ratings). There is only one instance of strong language that I caught, which in today’s ratings wouldn’t have the result of an R rating.