Based on the true story of the man who brought Eichmann to justice, this 2015 film touches on the personal as well as professional life of Fritz Bauer and his assistant, Heinz Mahler.
Fritz Bauer is played by Burghart Klaußner, who has played important roles in German film, including in: Brecht, das schweigende Klassenzimmer (side-note: I watched this film on a plane not long ago, before it was available on DVD – it has some great educational potential as well, though I have not watched it thoroughly enough for such a write-up yet), Goethe!, Requim, Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei, and Good bye Lenin. His work in historical and political messages is extensive.
Sebastian Blomberg plays Ulrich Kreidler. He has a bit of a Christoph Waltz way about him, especially as he ages. He has been cast in several films of educational and historical interest. Among his well-known films are: Der Baader Meinhof Complex, Alles auf Zucker, Was tun wenn’s brennt, and Anatomie.
Götz Schubert got his start in East Germany in the mid-1980s. He can be seen in several popular films, such as Brech, das schweigende Klassenzimmer, and Unsere Mütter unsere Väter (which we may better recognize by its English title Generation War).
This film is rated R in the US due to sexuality. IMDB has a decent write-up of the concerns here, though it skips the full frontal visual of the prostitute, just after the hour mark in the film. It is easy to skip or edit. There are a few scenes of mild sexuality leading up to this point, and pictures of this encounter are shown at about 84 minutes in.