Released in 2008, this film takes place during World War I, following the famous Baron von Richthofen. Der rote Baron is filled with modern stars: Til Schweiger, Matthias Schweighöfer, and even Lena Headey (of Game of Thrones fame these days) are among the main characters.
I would call this particular film a typical war movie. Some action, a little blood, an attempt at romance, and some light-hearted joking around to break up the serious scenes.
Some characters may have been dubbed from other languages, even though most of the actors are German, and the original language is German. This may distract some students, especially if you are exclusively showing original German films in your classes.
This film is rated PG-13 in the U.S., so it is appropriate in most high school classes. I try to use it while working with the history department, in an attempt to show a German perspective of something they are studying anyway.