This 2004 war film, somewhat based on a wartime diary, follows a priest into Dachau and for nine days of freedom in his home country of Luxembourg.
Our priest is played by Ulrich Matthes, who was born in West Berlin. We may recognize him from Der Untergang, where he played Goebbels.
August Diehl is our main SS member. More on Diehl can be found in Was nützt die Liebe in Gedanken.
There are many discussion points here, particularly in the areas of morality and ethics. The main point of the priest’s “vacation” is in hopes of convincing a bishop to join the Nazis in their goals, and the priest on vacation must make some moral decisions of his own, that may affect not only his relationship with the church, but also his family.
This film is not rated in the U.S. It does include some graphic war-related violence, particularly at the beginning of the film. In today’s ratings, it may end up with a light PG-13, but potentially even a PG.