This 2013 film is a true story of a journalist who investigated the terror attack at Oktoberfest, September 1980. With that, the knowledge that we are viewing a murder investigation. Most of the deaths were children and young adults, hundreds more were injured, several of whom critically.
The survivors of the attack and their lawyers have been fighting to reopen the case since 2010, but have been faced with the issue of the evidence having been destroyed in 1997. This film put enough pressure on for the case to be reopened December 2014. In February 2015 a new witness was found, but still they search for the truth.
Benno Fürmann plays our main character, journalist Ulrich Chaussy. The real Ulrich Chaussy, by the way, is a co-writer of the film. We know Benno Fürmann from many other films, including Anatomie, Merry Christmas, and the TV movie The Curse of the Ring (AKA Dark Kingdom: Dragon King).
The movie starts a little awkwardly, but the tone quickly changes and there are no further awkward scenes. This film would probably be rated PG-13 in the States, and more so for the bloody aspects of the investigation than anything else.