This 2019 film features a star-studded cast, including Elyas M’Barek, Wotan Wilke Möhring, Jessica Schwarz, Karoline Herfurth, Frederick Lau, Florian David Fitz, Katja Riemann, and so many others.
There is an explicit conversation between M’Barek’s character Leo and his mother regarding the household duties and appropriate gender roles. This is a great clip for generational differences in this matter.
Another clip discusses the privacy issues surrounding cellphone data, which could be an opener for a discussion on pros and cons of this technology being in everyone’s pockets at all times. This conversation also leads to the game that is the entire plot of the movie – the friends put their phones on the table and if a message comes through, anyone is allowed to look at it. The conversation surrounding it is a little adult (going from secrets of any kind to affairs) and the first call includes sexual sounds (25 minutes in). These adult conversations are integrated throughout the rest of the film and are at times explicit and reaches to varying degrees of homophobia.
There is heavy drinking involved and some of the characters drive at the end of the party.
While there are decent educational clips early in the film, the film as a whole is better left as entertainment outside of the classroom setting.