This 1999 film is a drama-comedy, focused on a group of young men who are trying to enjoy one more day together before one leaves – a typical coming of age moment.
Our main actors include Frank Giering, Florian Lukas, and Antoine Monot Jr., all of whom we’ve learned about before. Florian Lukas has a few new credits since the last post, including another Drei ??? Film.
This film primarily centers itself around young men who are about to make their way in life, bridging the gap between youth and adulthood. As such, some clips may be useful to a classroom setting in clip forms.
There are some words used that may be inappropriate for some viewers. There is some drinking to excess in the background and implied lewd videos being sold (it is clarified that they are historical films, but the situation is questionable). Alcohol poisoning is later a larger topic when a girl they are hanging with ends up in the hospital.